Si eu donez and UNTOLD Festival set up Romania’s Blood Donors Network

Si eu donez platform announces- on the occation of The International Day of the Donor of Blood- the setting up of Blood Donors Network, a project promoted together with UNTOLD Festival, whose second edition takes place in Cluj between 3rd and 7th of August 2016.

The technological upgrade of Si eu donez platform brings modern design package, warmer, more friendly, with a logo very easy to be stored. The symbol Si eu donez is the bag/ unit of blood, about which we hope that it will become a true icon for those who want to get involved into solving blood donation crisis in Romania. Today, you can be one of those people who save lives subscribing to

Logo final update

„Si eu donez reprezents in its new form the network of donors of blood. We are in the AppStore, Google Play and Windows app store. Access to the network can be done also using the web-based app already available on Our community (more than 10.000 fans on Facebook and other thousands on Twitter) has already become the most relevant concerning blood donation in Romania, wherein we try to bring together the demand and the offer of blood, through technology and social media. Once they get into the network, members will be notified by newsletter, push or even phone, if there is a need for them to donate blood in the center of the county they live in. Technological developments of the project also means learning machine (starting winter 2016) so that the second stage will allow, on the basis of the information gained by the system, the servers to be able to provide for certain requirements of blood, in groups, regions and certain periods of time. Si eu donez is a non-profit organization, that functions exclusively by private funds. This important upgrade is made using Microsoft technology””- said Alex Livadaru, the co-founder of Si eu donez.

Quick data. The Blood Network Si eu donez. How does it work?

Blood Donors Network project was also presented at the most important event in the South-Eastern Europe dedicated to technology innovation and social media, ICEEFest, by Claudiu Pândaru, managing partner Si eu donez. „Basically, everything becomes much easier. Either you subscribe the network by accessing the web-based app at (it got responsive design so it can be accessed on both desktop and phone) or by downloading the app into your smartphone from AppStore, GooglePlay or Windows store, this is the first step to save lives. You sign using email account or Facebook account, fill in a few blanks (your name, your city, blood type, date of birth) and since that moment, you can get notifications if someone needs blood from your county that fits your type. The new web application I donate, it’s all at your fingertips, wherever you go online. Find the form to sign up to become a member, category transfusion centers, with their addresses and contacts, category How donate blood, where utilities are passed information about the conditions that we must meet to be eligible donors (for example, you are not supposed to drink alcohol 24 hours before donating blood). When the learning machine feature becomes available, by the end of 2016, the system will be able to foresee peaks of blood needs all over the country and try to prevent them using technology and social media, with the help of Blood Network members”- said Claudiu Pândaru.

The objectives of Blood Network

The purpose of the network is to make the donors to come to the blood centers regularly. Today, unfortunately, we wonder how many of the thousands of Romanian who stood in queues after Collective fire, came back, then, let’s donate. Even as we speak, is very high blood crisis in all the counties. From the estimates we have, 53% of the necessary national missing a single day. The main drivers of Blood Donors Network are (currently best known site that addresses target Millennials) and UNTOLD Festival which gathers over 250 thousand young people in Cluj, between 3rd and 7th of August. We want the blood bag/ unit to become a symbol for all those who believe that this endless crisis can, eventually, come to an end.

„Si eu donez platform began in 2013. It has matured, grown up, we have learned a lot in these years, but #Colectiv fire has given us a great lesson: we need more technology to get better organized, we need data management and social media. There are people who really demonstrates that went to the blood center and helped, they post selfies while donating, and checkin at the centers. We thank to those who supported us from the first moment, Transfusion Centre Bucharest, PRO TV, PRO TV correspondent Cristina Jurca, the show I like IT and George Buhnici, Oana Cuzino. We are grateful to Rocsana Mihăloni, our colleague who fed information platform for donors before, during and after #Colectiv fire, posts daily on our website calls of those who need blood to live. We are glad to have strengthened small team working on this project for almost 3 years and I have found supporters of scale. They provide technical support and budgets needed to get this significant upgrade”- said Marius Mălăiaş, co-founder Si eu donez.

„We are pleased that an idea that seemed bold last year managed to be so well received by the public in Romania. What begin now is a new mechanism for young people to have their ticket to UNTOLD Festival and also save lives. Furthermore, together with the people who were involved in the campaign of 2015, we are fighting to change the mentality and image of Romania on blood donation. This year, in 2016, the campaign of blood donation will get a new shape and be deepened further. We are happy that together with the platform Si eu donez we build the first network of blood donors in Romania „, said Adrian Chereji, director of Marketing and Communication of UNTOLD Festival.

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Who is Si eu donez

Si eu donez (I donate, too) is a non-profit organization, financed exclusively from private funds. Advocates of this cause are: Microsoft Romania- technology partner, Vodafone Foundation- supporter, – main media partner, law firm Nestor Nestor Kingston Petersen Diculescu, that provides legal services and UNTOLD Festival, the award-winning festival in Europe. The association of Si eu donez with UNTOLD Festival comes naturally after the success of the most known blood donation campaign Pay with Blood, awarded internationally. Si eu donez technology platform was developed by GK PROMO SERVICE COMPANY SRL.